The MITNAE is a collaboration with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Nord Anglia International Schools which helps to support STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) learning at K-12 Nord Anglia schools around the world.
This unique collaboration consisted of in-school challenges designed with MIT professors and researchers, videos produced at MIT specifically for Nord Anglia students, live webinars for students, professional development webinars for teachers, and educational trips to MIT. They provide materials that help supplement the science curriculum and, on occasion, is the school’s first introduction to the concept of STEAM.
MITNAE requested a series of 9 animated icons for use in presentations, on the website and on social media for their Professional Development series. The Professional Development webinar series is composed of three Zoom events each semester with participation from teachers from across the world.
These icons would help emphasize the values of collaboration and curiosity while using fun graphics to attract more attendees.
- Use brand colors detailed in MITNAE’s style guide
- More for abstract shapes and concepts (as opposed to people)
- TIM the Beaver (MIT’s mascot) should be featured in at least one of them
- The animations should be no longer than 5 seconds in length each
- The tone of this is more serious but should spark creativity and be slightly playful
- Key themes are: interdisciplinary, exploration, collaboration, connection
The target audience of this particular piece will be teachers and collaboration administrators
- Get people excited about the series
- Add fun accents to what may be boring-ish slides and graphics
- Continue to develop the look and feel of the Professional Development series